Bugs in the Pool!

Water Boatmen

Why they’re in your pool and how to get rid of them.

Water boatmen. The name may bring to mind Venetian men with long oars paddling their narrow boats and singing while giving romantic rides to amorous couples. But if you’re a pool owner, that name has another meaning.

Water Boatmen are small bugs that can be found in swimming pools all over the Bay Area. They have that name because of the way they “row” themselves through the water. See their little oar-like legs?

The good news is they don’t bite. But there is another similar looking bug called a Back Swimmer and that one can have a mean bite! We’ll discuss those in another blog.

Water boatmen are able to fly and they travel from one pool to another in search of their favorite food… algae.

If you see just one water boatmen, it may mean he’s only scouting to see if there’s anything in your pool to eat. If he finds nothing he will move on. But, if you see several, it’s because they’ve discovered a free algae buffet.

Water boatmen can detect algae even in very small amounts long before you can see it. Because of this, Water Boatmen can be likened to the odor of a skunk. You may never see the skunk, but you know they’ve been there! You may not see the algae, but if Water Boatmen are lingering in your pool, it’s a warning sign that algae is present and trying to get established.

So why is algae trying to grow in your pool?

It’s all about a food source. Just as Water Boatmen are there to eat algae, algae is there to consume phosphates. Ahhh, the cycle of life.

Plants contain phosphates, so when plant matter such as leaves break down, phosphates are released. It is also found in animal waste, which explains why the ground water in the Petaluma countryside is full of it! Remember all those chickens of yesteryear?

Phosphates aren’t generally harmful to drink and small quantities are commonly found in ground water. And, while this is good news for your plants, it is bad news for your pool. Fortunately, there is an easy solution!

Luxury Pool Service typically cleans filters twice a year. During the Spring filter cleaning, we offer a phosphate check and removal service. This will ensure that algae won’t thrive in your pool during the swimming season. And those hungry water bugs will leave to plague someone else’s pool.

Isn’t nature beautiful? Call us about having a phosphate check and removal service today.

~Team LPS


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